SITUATION: A 9-figure organization* has gambling as part of the core of their business.
Gambling opens an entire new aspect when it comes to defensive measures necessary to
protect the technology infrastructure.
After an evaluation it was determined that the:
1) The technology in place was not suitable for the environment causing duplicitous
work for the users.
2) The defenses were not sufficient for the attack surface area, which lead to one user
getting a ZERO-Day ransomware virus attack.
3) I had to work with Symantec Norton Engineering Team to Update Their GLOBAL Knowledge base for other end users that may experience the ransomware attack
INTERVENTION: The technology environment received an overhaul. Policy and procedures
were changed for access controls. More advanced security defenses were implemented to
mitigate future attacks. Worked with Symantec Norton Engineering team to update to
Knowledge Base articles related to ZERO-Day attack.
RESOLUTION: Proper defensives and cultural changes have led to zero more instances of
attacks affecting the organization in the 7+ years since we were brought in to advise them.
Process and technologies implemented have created a better workflow for staff, allowing for work-from-anywhere, and an ASK FIRST mentality if someone is unsure of the validity of email or other communication they have received.
*Extremely wealthy families are protective of their privacy.